Front view of Hope sculpture in the Sensory Garden.
The decorative mosaic leaves for this piece were made by the members of the IWA in a series of workshops and the sculpture of Hope, created as a feature in the garden in Clonbrusk, Athlone.
Detail of dress
Mosaic detail on dress showing Celtic knot work designs.
Hope, side view.
Side view, showing the flowing nature of Hope's dress. This sculpture was constructed from cement on a structural steel frame. Mosaic detail was applied to the initial cement structure then a top coat of coloured cement applied.
Close up and detail of hair, 'Hope' sculpture in the Sensory Garden, Clonbrusk, Athlone.
Gargoyle beast at Grouse Lodge Recording Studio.
A Beast Gargoyle, built around a central heating vent so that steam pours out his mouth. Grouse Lodge.